Showing posts with label Drinking water. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drinking water. Show all posts

Tuesday, 8 September 2020

Analysis of the Radon-222 Concentration and Physical-chemical Quality, in Drinking Water of Taxco, Guerrero


  • A. H. Ramírez
    Postgraduate in Natural Resources and Ecology. Autonomous University of Guerrero, Mexico; Faculty of Earth Sciences. Autonomous University of Guerrero A. P. 197, Taxco Guerrero-40200, Mexico
  • O. Talavera
    Postgraduate in Natural Resources and Ecology. Autonomous University of Guerrero, Mexico; Faculty of Earth Sciences. Autonomous University of Guerrero A. P. 197, Taxco Guerrero-40200, Mexico
  • S. Souto
    Postgraduate in Natural Resources and Ecology. Autonomous University of Guerrero, Mexico; Faculty of Earth Sciences. Autonomous University of Guerrero A. P. 197, Taxco Guerrero-40200, Mexico
  • J. I. Golzarri
    Institute of Physics National Autonomous University of Mexico. Scientific Research Circuit s/n, University City. Mexico City-04520, Mexico
  • G. Espinosa
    Institute of Physics National Autonomous University of Mexico. Scientific Research Circuit s/n, University City. Mexico City-04520, Mexico
Keywords: Drinking water, Spring water, Radon, Chemical composition


In this work the determination of radon gas (222Rn) and the characterization of chemical elements in drinking water of the city Taxco was carried out. Ingesting or inhaling a small number of radionuclides, as well as water of poor chemical quality, can become a potential public health problem. We are collecting 8 samples of water from a spring, physicochemical parameters were measured in field on different days of the dry season. Measurements of 222Rn were performed in the laboratory with an AlphaGUARD equipment. The chemical quality was analyzed in laboratory too by means of mayor and minor ions, by volumetry and colorimetry. The sodium was determined by Flama Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (FAAS). Trace elements were analyzed by were determined by Atomic Emission Spectroscopy with Plasma Coupled by Induction (ICP-AES). The concentrations of 222Rn present an average of 22.06 ± 2.52 BqL-1. The results obtained from the main ions and field parameters show a type of diluted sodium-calcium-bicarbonate water. The trace elements present are very small and not exceed the limit of quantification. Radon gas is produced by the igneous rock that is the top of the stratigraphic column, of the hydric recharge. Rainwater when descending through the fractures is impregnated with 222Rn gas and accumulated in the underlying rock that has sufficient porosity to accumulate water and gas in the Chacualco´s spring.



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Measurement of Content of 226Ra in Drinking Water From Some States of Mexican Republic by Liquid Scintillation Method


  • A. Ángeles
    National Institute of Nuclear Research, Mexico-Toluca Highway, La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac-52750, State of Mexico, Mexico
  • E. Quintero
    National Institute of Nuclear Research, Mexico-Toluca Highway, La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac-52750, State of Mexico, Mexico
  • I. Gaso
    National Institute of Nuclear Research, Mexico-Toluca Highway, La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac-52750, State of Mexico, Mexico
  • C. P. Zepeda
    National Institute of Nuclear Research, Mexico-Toluca Highway, La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac-52750, State of Mexico, Mexico
  • T. Palma
    National Institute of Nuclear Research, Mexico-Toluca Highway, La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac-52750, State of Mexico, Mexico
  • P. V. Rojas
    National Institute of Nuclear Research, Mexico-Toluca Highway, La Marquesa, Ocoyoacac-52750, State of Mexico, Mexico
Keywords: NORM, Radium, Drinking water, Screening, Radiotoxicity


To assess the quality of drinking water in respect to the content of radioactivity, usually is carried out an screening program in the locations of interest, that program consist in pick representative samples of drinking water from the wells in that locations, water samples are analyzed to measuring the gross alpha/beta radioactivity by a low background proportional counter or a liquid scintillation system. When some sample exceeds the normative limit then it must be known which radionuclides are in that sample. Expected radionuclides in water are the NORM (normal occurring radioactive material) from the natural radioactive chains. 226Ra is frequently present in drinking water and is one of most important radionuclide because its “radiotoxicity”, the WHO [World Health Organization, Guidelines for drinking-water Quality, (2016)] recommends a reference level for 226Ra of 1 Bq/L (the dose coefficient for 226Ra is 2.8 x 10-7 Sv/Bq). From a national program of drinking water screening in the Mexican Republic, the samples that exceeded the national normative limits were picked again in the same well and analyzed by LS (liquid Scintillation), using the method of two phases with a not water miscible scintillator cocktail. Results of concentrations of 226Ra from drinking water are presented. In general the content of 226Ra in drinking water samples was lower that the guide values recommended for the WHO.



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How to Cite
A. Ángeles; E. Quintero; I. Gaso; C. P. Zepeda; T. Palma; P. V. Rojas. Measurement of Content of 226Ra in Drinking Water From Some States of Mexican Republic by Liquid Scintillation Method. J. Nucl. Phy. Mat. Sci. Rad. A. 2020, 7, 195-201.


Effect of Laser Radiation on Biomolecules

  E. Prieto Institute of Physical Sciences-UNAM, Avenida University 1001, Chamilpa, Cu...